SOLD ITEM 9206 - Henry Etienne Dumaige Bronze figure of a maiden with urn

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Fine antique Henry Etienne Dumaige ( Born in Paris 1830- died in St-Gilles-Crox-de-Vie' in 1888) Bronze classical figure of a maiden with urn, signed on base. Measures 25.5 inches high. Bio from Harris Antiques LTD. Dumaige studied sculpture under Féuchère and Dumont. He exhibited his sculptures depicting groups, statues, and busts at the Salon from 1863-1886. He is most well known for his statuettes of dancers. . He sculpted a large number of busts, groups and statuettes in marble, plaster and bronze, including statuettes of Desmoulins and Rabelais. In 1864 he exhibited a group in bronze entitled " L'âge d'or", a statue in bronze, "Hero", in 1864, "Retour des champs" in 1866, a marble bust of Moliere in 1872, a statuette entitled Francois Rabelais in terracotta in 1873, a statue in marble for the city hall in Tours in 1880, "Camille Desmoulins" in plaster 1882, and "Patrie", a bronze in 1886. Different works were cast in bronze, in particular, dancers, as well as works entitled, Salome, and Esmeralda, and also a grenadier of 1792 entitled Après les combat, a reduction of Camille Desmoulins. References Bellier de la Chavignerie, E. & L. Auvray. Dictionnaire général des artistes de l'école française (Bellier-Auvray) (1887) 5 v. Lami, S. Dictionnaire des Sculpteurs de l'école française (1921) 8 v. Mallett, D. Mallett's index of artists: international and biographical (1935) Supplement (1940) Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon Der Bildenden Künstler Von Der Antike Bis Zur Gegenwart, MacKay, J. A dictionary of Western Sculptors in Bronze, 1976 Busse, J. Internationales Handbuch aller Maler und Bildhauer des 19. Jahrhunderts (Busse-Verzeichnis) (1977) Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication; La Sculpture Française au XIXe Siecle, 1986. Berman, H. Bronzes- Sculptors and Founders, 1987 Forrest, M., Art Bronzes, 1988 Kjellberg, P. Bronzes of the 19th Century, A Dictionary of Sculptors, 1992 Bénézit, E. Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs, et Graveurs, Gründ, 1999. Davenport, Ray; Davenport's Art Reference, 2001 Citations Rich. D'Art, Paris, Mon.civ.III 18;Prov. Musee. Civ.V 382
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