SOLD ITEM 7419 - French lithograph poster for La Menthe Pastille

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Original French lithograph poster advertising La Menthe Pastille, a French peppermint liqueur first distilled by Angers pharmicist Emile Giffard in 1885. The poster commemorates the 1899 Hague Tribunal (Tribunal de la Haye). The frame measures 52 inches high by 8 feet long. Very good condition. THEME OF ARTWORK: the great rulers and heads of state from the USA and European countries are gathered at the famous international conference in Holland.They include, left to right: President of the French Republic (RF on the back of his chair) showing Tsar Nicholas II of Russia a document marked "the sure way to have a boy" (a male descendant), Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, King Edward VII of England, King Leoplod II of Belgium, the Pope, and Uncle Sam of the USA, bottle feeding in his lap a little black baby, symbolizing the end of slavery in the after the Civil War. All the leaders are of course enjoying glasses of Menthe Pastille. The poster hung for years in the Old Lyme Inn in Old Lyme CT.
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