SOLD ITEM 6046 - Benjamin Morrill tower clock New Hampshire c1820

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Attributed to Benjamin Morrill. Tower clock, one five known to exist. Morrill is known for developing the New Hampshire mirror clock, but he also made tall case clocks in addition to a few tower clocks for churches. This Morrill tower clock is 63 inches long, 36 inches wide, and 43 inches tall, in a solid oak or chestnut frame with brass and iron gears. Benjamin Morrill, 1794 to 1857. Morrill also made tall case clocks, Massachusetts shelf, and banjo clocks. He also made four (known) tower clocks, of which this is one. This is probably his first because the strike side design on the others is a newer style. All four of Morrill?s tower clocks were installed in small NH towns. None are signed Morrill but all are similar in style. Assuming this is clock number 1 the rest are documented as follows. Number 2 only some parts are left in the tower in Dover, NH, number 3 first installed in Henniker, NH, and now on display at the American Clock and Watch Museum in Bristol, CT, number 4 is still in its original location in Orford, NH. We have all of the important parts of the pendulum, the rating or adjusting nut (this style of curled winged nut is one of Morrill?s signatures) the cast iron bob is original to the clock as well and weighs about 100lbs. The threaded end of the pendulum rod is present as well as about 15 inches of the rod (most of which is going thru the pendulum bob, about four inches is visible. A new rod would need to be fabricated.
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