SOLD ITEM 2205 - Oil painting by French artist Jacques Eitel

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Oil painting by French artist "Jacques Eitel",Oil on canvas by artist Jacques EITEL."Jacques Eitel" b 1926 Paris France. Studied at lEcole Boulle and at lEcole des Beaux-Arts de Paris (Narbonne studio). Salons : Jeune Peinture - Automne - Artistes Français - Indépendants - Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts - Comparaisons - Grands et Jeunes daujourdhui - Terres Latines - French exhibitions : Ecole de Paris and Prix Greenshield (Galerie Charpentier) - Lauréat du Prix Conté-Carriere (Galerie Vendôme) - Société des Amateurs dArts (Galerie Montmorency) - Peintures Françaises (Vichy) - La vigne et le vin (Margaux) - Exhibitions abroad : United States Japan Sweden United Kingdom Switzerland Italy Germany Belgium. Private collections : Etat Français (Ville de Paris) - Musée de la Marine - Musée de Saint-Cyprien - Chapelle Saint Colomban at Carnac, Morbihan. Eitel treats nuances of the vegetation and reflections on the sea with great sensitivity. His paintings have a quality of freshness and luminosity. His exhilerating use of colour expresses the amorphous nature of space. This wonderful seascape landscape is in excellent condition measures 36 inches by 29 inches. The frame measures 40 and one quarter inches by 33 and and one half inches. This beautiful painting depicts an inlet with a sandy coast line with a group of French country houses near woodlands.
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