SOLD ITEM 1671 - Period Antique English Georgian world globes

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Antique globes,period "Georgian world globes" Pair of period English Georgiancelestial and terrestrial globes,on mahogany stands mounted with compasses and engraved brass meridian rings Terrestrial Annotation,To the Honorable Sir Joseph Banks, BAR. K.B.This New British Terrestrial Globe containing all the latest Discoveries and Communications from the most recent and authentic Observations and Surveys,to the year 1799 by Capt.n Cook and more recent Navigators. Engraved from all accurate drawings by Mr. Arrowsmith, Geographer. Additions to 1807. Respectfully Dedicated by his most obedient h.ble servants,W. & T.M. BardinManufactured and sold Wholesale & Retail by W. & T. M. Bardin 16 Salisbury Square Fleet Street London.Celestial Annotation,To the Rev. Nevil Maskelyne, D.D., F. RS.Astronomer Royal This New British Celestial GlobeContaining the Positions of nearly 6000 Stars, Clusters, Nebulae,Planetary Nebulae, &c. Correctly computed & laid down for the year 1800, from the latest observations and discoveries, by Dr. Maskelyne, Dr. Herschel, the Rev.d Mr. Wollaston &c., &c.Respectfully Dedicated by his most obedient h.ble Servants,W. & T. M. Bardin Manufactured and sold Wholesale & Retail by W. & T. M. Bardin 16 Salisbury Square Fleet Street London. The globes with their stand measure approx. 40 and one half inches high. The globes measure 18 inches in diam.
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