SOLD ITEM 10765 - Ellmer O Stennes Weymouth MA banjo clock

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Ellmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Massachusetts, banjo clock in like new condition from a Chester, CT, estate. Signed on dial. Marked with the number 49 inside, George Washington reverse-painted on the glass throat and Mount Vernon reverse-painted on the glass door. Measures 42 inches long from the top of the finial to the bottom of the bracket base. For 30 years, from 1945 through 1975, Stennes was famous for being the only large-scale reproducer of classic American clock cases in the country. But his former friends and associates remember him for another reason: Elmer murdered his wife and later was himself killed. In fact, it’s hard to say whether the clocks and other items made by Stennes are so collectible today because of their quality or because of his notoriety. He lived at 45 Church Street in East Weymouth, MA, in a house he built himself in 1938. He used a design by Royal Barry Wills, the 20th-century American designer of reproduction Colonial-era dwellings. Elmer Osbourne Stennes was born in Somerville, MA, on June 9, 1911. He was self-taught as a cabinetmaker, and received a certificate for completing a one-year course in Carpentry and Architectural Drawing, from Wentworth Institute in Boston in 1934.
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